
Virtual Guest Speakers

Page history last edited by Nina Liakos 16 years, 3 months ago

This is an open invitation to all Argentinian webheads to drop by during our session on web tools on Friday, October 17 to say hello to our Fulbright group.  Plan to speak for up to five minutes; I will broadcast your message to the Fulbrighters and relay questions, if any, back to you.  Join our conference call by skyping me (nina_liakos) at or before the time you have selected.


4 pm EDT/20:00 GMT/5 pm Arg.

 Jennifer Verschoor


4:05 pm EDT/20:05 GMT/5:05 Arg. Susana Canelo
4:10 pm EDT/20:10 GMT/5:10 pm Arg. Maria Victoria Saumell
4:15 pm EDT/20:15 GMT/5 pm Arg. Monica Zuccoli
4:20 pm EDT/20:20 GMT/5:20 Arg.  
4:25 pm EDT/20:25 GMT/5:25 pm Arg.  



PD: I  will try to talk at 4pm as I am in Costa Rica at the moment. I will be travelling to the airport at that time but if I arrive on time will be able to connect. Just in case I will prepare a Video. Jennifer Verschoor


Hi, this is Nelba Quintana. I will be in class in Second Life. Anyway, I will try to drop between 5:00 and 5:30.





Comments (1)

Marina said

at 1:40 pm on Oct 17, 2008

Dear All,
I will try to make it as a participant, at least. I would have liked to take more active part, but I found out about this pretty late for me to tackle my duties and deadlines differently!
Thank you for the invitation!
Let's keep in touch.

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