I began using Wikis in the summer of 2007 and now I can't really imagine teaching without them! Many of my colleagues were using Blogs and I wanted to incorporate the use of collaborative platforms into a special program that I was going to teach that summer. Through exploring various tools, I decided that Wikispaces fit my needs the best and I have enjoyed using Wikispaces in instruction and as computerized support for collaborative learning. Here are some samples of Wikis that I have used in the classroom.
www.tunghaimei.wikispaces.com - This was my first Wikispace. Each student had a page on the space and the students used the space to post writings and videos. We used the space to collaborate on two presentations.
www.tu2008.wikispaces.com - This Wikispace was created for the same special program as my first Wiki. I learned how to embed more media and I asked each student to create and maintain his/her own Wikispace. This way, students can control their own navigation bar. I found that if all students have a page within one Wiki and they happen to give a link the same name, then certain pages or documents get lost. When they each have their own spaces, this doesn't happen, and they seem to take ownership of their space and their learning!
www.themesfall07.wikispaces.com/ - This was the first Wikispace that I used throughout an entire semester. I focused on using this space for instruction. I used the space in class nearly everyday. I really enjoyed how the students personalized their own spaces. In this class we did a project called, 'Student Led Topics,' where each student taught a lesson on a topic of his/her choice. The Wikispace was useful support for this project. Additionally, we used the space to collaborate on a cultural research project with students from the University of California Santa Barbara. It was a good first step toward the types of collaborative projects I would like to develop.
www.004c2008.wikispaces.com - This Wikispace was used very much in the same way as the previous space I mentioned; however, I wanted to focus more on self- and peer- assessment techniques. I think there are many ways in which assessment can become more useful and interesting using Wikispaces. During this course, I introduced a, 'Skills Checklist,' which I think has been quite successful. I basically put the curriculum on the space in table format and ask students to check off the skills/strategies that we have practiced. At midterm and at the end of the semester, the students evaluate their progress.
www.002rwg.wikispaces.com - This is the Wikispace that I'm currently using in a beginning reading, writing, and grammar course.. I think it's an interesting space that proves technology can effectively be used in a very low level course. The students have an online writing portfolio, which shows evidence of revision, as well as an online journal. They are using the 'Skills Checklist,' and keeping reading rate and vocabulary logs. We have done one collaborative writing assignment using the space.
www.argmei2008.wikispaces.com - This is the space I created during your workshop on Tuesday afternoon. Please feel free to use this space to practice using wikispaces!
I love Wikis!!
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