Intensive Teacher Training Workshop for High School English Teachers
Maryland English Institute
University of Maryland
College Park MD 20742 USA
October 12 - 17, 2008
Welcome to your wiki! I have created it as a way to package some of the information about
- the Web 2.0 Revolution,
- Web 2.0 tools for the EFL/ESL classroom,
- the Webheads in Action Community of Practice,
- the Learning with Computers Community of Practice, and
- ARCALL (Argentine Computer Assisted Language Learning)
as well as some examples of how teachers such as yourselves have used these tools with their classes. You need remember only this one URL to access the video, links, and other information I have shared with you today, as well as links to your fellow Fulbrighters' blogs. I hope that you will refer often to this wiki as you develop your Web 2.0 skills! Just click on the page you want to see in the Sidebar. I have given you all writer status, which means that if you like, you can add a comment, edit a page, or even create your own page. Don't worry--there is no mistake you can make that cannot be undone!
Best wishes,
Nina Liakos
Comments (1)
Marceargentina said
at 2:24 pm on Oct 17, 2008
this is incredible amazing ! I love it ! I am an Argentina exchange professor here in Maryland. I have heard Kim's class about creating a Wiki. I am just longing for the moment I get to Argentina to start doong this. Thanks a lot for sharing this knowledge. Love Marcela Real From Firmat Argentinga.
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