Before you dive headfirst into the ocean of web tools, there are some things you need to know:
- Computers do not have unlimited space or memory. Be aware of the difference between a downloaded application (such as Skype), which takes up a lot of memory, and a web-based application (such as a blog), which does not.
- If you have high-speed Internet access, you will be able to do a lot more than if you depend on dial-up access. If you have high-speed and your students don't, and you embed a lot of widgets (like dictionaries, slide-shows, and clocks) on a blog, the blog will load very slowly when your students try to open it.
- Play around with a tool before attempting to use it in a class, so that you will become familiar with it.
- Always test your tool in the lab or on the computer where you plan to use it with your class. Computers are not all the same!
- Always have a Plan B. Technology does not always work!
Good luck,
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